Man of the Sea – I am!
Everyone said it will be inevitable. I fought in my heart, I fought with my whole existence to keep this virus out of Jura! The Virus will not get through the [...]
Everyone said it will be inevitable. I fought in my heart, I fought with my whole existence to keep this virus out of Jura! The Virus will not get through the [...]
If your loved one is living in a Residential Facility for Older People in South Africa (Care Home), or if you visit a Facility, then you need to know the following: A) Is the Facility Registered [...]
The abuse of elderly people happens in their own homes, while living with family and in facilities responsible for their well being. We must speak up when we suspect that an elderly person is [...]
If you're especially into a piece of music, your brain does something called Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), which feels to you like a tingling in your brain or scalp. It's nature's own little "buzz", a [...]
Antibodies that can remove toxic protein plaques in the brains of mice may lead to treatments that halt the brain damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. This was the conclusion that researchers came [...]
As we have written before; people with Dementia at times 'live' in their own reality, one which at times can be subtly or dramatically different from our own. This 'inner reality' they live in [...]
While some studies have shown a possible benefit of light-to-moderate drinking, chronic heavy drinking is a major risk factor for all types of dementia, especially early onset of the disease, according to [...]
Just one hour a week of social interaction can improve the quality of life for dementia patients in care homes, a study suggests. A trial involving more than 800 people with dementia [...]
Scientists discovered a major cause of dementia which can help in the diagnosis and treatment of the illness. The researchers point to toxic levels of urea in the brain as being responsible for the brain [...]
Steve Johanson had a fierce and knowledgeable advocate at his side when he visited a hospital recently: his wife, Judy. In the six years since Steve had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, [...]