A “Western” diet rich in meat and high-fat dairy puts people at a greater risk of Alzheimer’s, researchers claim.
The stark warning comes from scientists who have also discovered that a more “Mediterranean” diet – of fruit, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, legumes and fish – is associated with a significantly reduced risk.
They also found that diets with even lower meat content – like those found in India, Japan, and Nigeria – reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s even further.
Dr William Grant said: “Reducing meat consumption could significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as well as several cancers, Type 2 diabetes, stroke and chronic kidney disease.”
Speaking from the Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Centre in San Francisco, he added: “Mounting evidence from ecological and observational studies, indicates that the Western dietary pattern – especially the large amount of meat – is strongly associated with risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic diseases.”
“While the traditional Mediterranean diet is associated with about half the risk for Alzheimer’s disease of the Western diet, the traditional diets of countries such as India, Japan, and Nigeria, with very low meat consumption, are associated with an additional 50 per cent reduction in risk of Alzheimer’s.”
The Western dietary pattern is strongly associated with risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease
“Previous research has linked diets rich in fruit and vegetables, nuts, and fish to better cognitive health, but research is showing that other lifestyle factors such as physical activity, smoking and alcohol intake can also influence a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s.”
“Age is the biggest risk factor in the majority of cases of Alzheimer’s, followed by genetics and a variety of lifestyle factors, of which diet is just one.”
“Alongside a healthy balanced diet, not smoking, staying mentally and physically active, drinking in moderation and keeping blood pressure in check can all help to keep our brains healthy as we age.”
Last year the Government announced that Britain is to lead the world in trying to find a cure for dementia, creating a new £150million research institute focusing specifically on the disease. The latest research was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition
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