Mario Gregorio will sometimes go to heat a cup of water for tea only to find there’s a cup already in the microwave.

He rarely cooks at home because of all the times the fire alarm went off after he’d started something on the burner and forgot about it.

Gregorio has Post-it notes all over his Burnaby residence, for reminders and for safety.

Eight years ago, the 68-year-old retired Telus worker was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

“I’d had difficulty remembering things, short-term memory losses,” Gregorio said Monday. “I’d forget what I was saying in the middle of a presentation to clients and kind of fake my way through.”

He took a leave of absence, but nothing improved when he returned to work, so he resigned early. That’s when his doctor sent him to the University of B.C. for Alzheimer’s tests, which proved positive.

Now, researchers at St. Paul’s Hospital have come up with a test that’s more reliable than past exams and cheaper to carry out.

Early detection allows patients to put their financial and personal affairs in order before the disease starts interfering with their cognitive abilities.

And while there’s still no cure for Alzheimer’s, the hope is that by giving patients early warning — victims can have the disease for up to 20 years before symptoms emerge — a drug can be found down the road.

“It was clear some analytics were not great,” Dr. Mari DeMarco, a St. Paul’s clinical chemist, said. “So we redeveloped a way to do this more accurately and cost-effectively.”

The next step is to take the test out of the lab and begin a study this summer on volunteers.

“From a patient’s perspective, early detection gives them as much power in their life as we can,” she said. “And early discovery can help in the development of drugs.”

The technique used at St. Paul’s is a five-word tongue-twister, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. It measures proteins in spinal fluid that are associated with Alzheimer’s.

“Early detection,” said the UBC’s Dr. Howard Feldman, executive associate dean of medicine, “is important particularly for families and social planning.”

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s in the population doubles every five years after the age of 65, he said.

Gregorio remains active. He’s given up driving, but swims and hikes several times a week, takes Tai Chi classes, volunteers with Tourism Vancouver and reads four newspapers a day.

He feels that’s helped prevent the disease from progressing more aggressively.

“My brain is active,” he said. “I do not sit at home doing nothing.”

He’s always lived on his own; his sister comes over once a week to check on things and clean out the fridge or a cupboard because when confused, Gregorio will sometimes put perishable food there instead.

“I believe an early diagnosis is important,” he said. “You can get your affairs in order, get what treatment is available and it’s very good to know the underlying cause of being forgetful.”