I think if I start singing, the winter and the cold and the wind and the rain…rain ..rain ….will go away now!

So that is exactly what I did yesterday and today! And as I started singing, I saw Amelia’s blue eyes as they lit up, and as she tilted her head and sang with, somewhere the school teacher came alive again!

And as I sang, our new resident, to whom I will still introduce you, uncle G, took hold of his walking stick, sang and danced along….

And my voice echoed….with their two voices making mine stronger,  and Aunty Anna sat in her chair waiting for the sound to reach her…to remind her of the melody, and as I sat next to her, she lifted up her chin, to sing along in her clear voice for a little while, before the blue in her eyes faded…

And as I walk down the aisle to her room, I opened the door….and we sang together….her, still wet from the shower, hanging onto her shower curtain! And we laughed! Jantje taking up the notes, giggling! Two women, rejoicing the change! Change of season….change….

So I bundled them into the bus! And off we went to the Nursery! We shopped for our garden. Every one chose seedlings and spring plants, a whole load.

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Aunty Joy, left the hard work for us while she sat down to enjoy the fragrances in the air.

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Jantje ‘bought’ me a ‘Peace in Home’ and a beautiful plant for her daughter!

Too soon, Amelia’s blue eyes were getting worried, worried because her mother doesn’t know where we were!

So we kept on singing in the bus….to a new life they found….somewhere!