Do you mind if I just enjoy this blog and share a piece of my life with you, as it goes along? Along my path I will be touched by so many, and this weekend I was touched…..

I sat down…




Do you mind?
Do you mind
today I left my life behind.

Many years I lived on this farm
no people did me any harm
when they saved me that day
strapped, a bicycle around my neck
for long, a miracle I prayed
and on this farm I stayed…

Do you mind
two months ago he left his life behind.

Many years he lived on this farm
no people did him any harm
when they saved him that day
his broken body almost half, by a truck
in split seconds he was struck.
For a miracle he prayed
and on this farm he stayed…

More than twenty years we lived on this farm
no people did us any harm.
And the grass turned green, and the grass turned pale
and we lived our lives, no avail
The two of us stayed…

But he grew old
and the pain in his broken body, ten fold.
So he left me behind
as he went into the water
I didn’t mind
I knew he was going to leave life and me, behind.

Sixty days I stayed on this farm
Alone, it was the only harm
Until I went into the water
to leave life behind.

Would you mind
when I decide to leave my life behind, one day
the two of us, old and grey
Would you mind?


Our two horses, which we inherited years ago, passed away. Jacky was the first to go, drowning in the dam, and two months later, her soul mate, Sally followed. We found her in a small dam… We knew that Sally wouldn’t be able to live without her friend, so we weren’t surprised. They both died a noble death….leaving us behind.

And I know life and death will be a part of us at Jura Care. May we have the wisdom to give all our people living with us, all our tender love, and may we be able to give them when the time comes, a noble death…
